Sep 28, 2010

Reflective Post

I feel as though this class has integrated very nicely with a lot of my other classes at BYU and I've been able to use concepts and principles learned in one class and apply them to another.  Such topics have included Architecture within Athens, play writers and medicine men such as Hippocrates.  In my history of creativity class we've talked about Hippocrates & play writers and what it was that made them so unique and great in their time.  We didn't necessarily talk about the implications of their work like we do more in our digital civilization class, but the two topics flow well together.  My interior design class is really going in depth with the architecture of buildings such as the pantheon which complements the topics covered in my history of creativity and my digital civilization class because when we refer to the enlightenment and how men searched knowledge for the sake of knowing everything, I was able to have a much better understanding of some very specific items which were addressed during this time period.

How has your digital literacy assisted your self-directed learning in the subject areas of this course? (consume)
  My digital literacy has really helped me find various credible resources to do research with.  It helps being a senior majoring in Information Systems as I already have a lot of tools in my belt in which to work with.

How has your creation of blog posts and digital media impacted your learning? (create)
  I think the fact of having the requirement to post twice a week to a blog motivates me (and I'm sure others) to do enough research to make a reasonable post and be able to expound more on a general specific or two within the topic being covered.  It has also been fun to post something and send its link to other professors within other classes so they may reference to it in regards to something relevant to their class.

How have you connected with other class members and with the general public in these areas? (connect)
  I have connected by commenting on the sites wherewith I find information on topics I'm studying.  For example, when I wrote a post on the combined strategies Planet Hollywood did with a flash mob using the top subscribed YouTube "Vloggers", I informed one of the guys I follow on YouTube of my blog post regarding the flash mob.  To be completely honest, I don't feel as though I'm doing too well in this category as I have not heard back from any of the multiple sites I've posted comments on.  I feel as though I've connected nicely with multiple individuals within the class in regards to their blog posts and them commenting on a few of my own.

I've really enjoyed learning of new sites with very useful tools on them.  Quizlet is probably my best find.  I programmed a very crude java application which would randomly generate multiple choice questions for term/definition practice.  I spent hours on it and shared it with many people in the past couple years.  Now that I've found Quizlet and see how it's much more refined and better than my own, I highly appreciate it and I've even used it to study for a midterm this semester in another one of my classes.  Whenever I get the chance, I share these tools with other classmates and it's fun seeing their responses.

Overall, I've enjoyed this class quite a bit and I feel as though I've met two out of the three learning outcomes very well but I can use a little improvement in the third (connect) category.  I definitely spend more time doing reading and assignments in this class than any two of my other classes combined.  The blogs are fun and I really like how the class is completely networked outside of the classroom.  Sorry about writing a novel.  I hope you don't mind reading this.

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