Sep 9, 2010

The effects of the printing press

One of the most significant events in the early 1400s was the creation of the Johannes Gutenberg printing press.  Why was this such a significant event?  It was the means of publishing and distributing books to common people so they could learn truth for themselves.  A civilization ruled by a church manipulating what and how you thought became a place where people could learn truth for themselves.  This became quickly evident after the mass production of the Bible.

Like my previous posts, I like to have a small video to better explain these topics.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

shuan 8 pai said...

I find it really interesting how the priests use to be the only people that were literate. They would tell their congregation things they should do and sometimes would be corrupted and just tell lies and collect as much money as possible. So the printing press came around, and pushed much of the population to learn how to read. It really is quite amazing how much it has changed social society.