Sep 22, 2010

Babies in class?

I was curious on what your thoughts are on college students bringing in babies to class with them. Do you view it as acceptable or completely not acceptable?


Brian Earley said...

As long as the parent is willing to sit outside of class whenever the baby is crying, then I see no offense.

Trevor said...

I see feel no offense, only admiration for doing what they can. They need to take it out if it's crying but otherwise, no issue. . . . . but at the movies. . . . that's another story.

Danny said...

I was just curious. Some people have really strong feelings towards this and are completely shocked when I tell them I have a class where at times there are three babies brought into the room. In regards to distractions, they definitely win my attention over a nearby kid playing World of Warcraft on his laptop and my focus drifts away from the lecture pretty quickly. If my focus shifts, how many others in the class also get distracted? Is that fair to the teacher who spent a lot of time and energy into their lecture preparation?

Margaret said...

Like church, babies brought to class will soon be ignored when they are making noises. Other students would be "nice" and try to ignore it, but others (most, I think) would be angry. I've paid good money - my own money, not some faceless government loan - to be in this class, & can't hear what is being said because of a crying baby.

Having said that, IF the parents are willing to take a noisy child out; IF an older child is silent & discrete; IF the teacher will stand up to the parent for the class's sake - - yes, a child in class should be welcome.

I understand that parents have to balance a lot of different rolls, but as Ecclesiastes says, there is a time and season for everything - if now is the time for babies, perhaps now is not the season for college. If you want it, there will be a time and season later.