I recently was recommended to HubPages after showing interest in a subject of video games on another individuals blog. That individual recommended HubPages so I decided to explore it and I find it to be very resourceful!
Signing up is simple and free and only takes about thirty seconds. All you need to do is complete the five entries listed below:
Once you are signed up you have the ability to specify your interests and afterwards a list of the most relevant blog creations on that/those subject(s) will appear on your HubPage homepage. Just as sites such as Diigo uses tags to order its bookmarks into genres, HubPages does so with its Hubs (essentially the same as blogs)
Whether you want to contribute to HubPages by copying over your blog entries from blogspot or if you simply want to use it as an excellent tool to search a wide range of sites very tailored to your desired subject, you can use this site to benefit your educational experience.
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